
Showing posts from 2011

Reflections on Trials and Pain

Written April 2010 I've been going through some difficult times recently, and for a while I was quite content to wallow in my sorrows. But then God graciously brought it to my attention that during this difficult time, I was not being faithful in seeking him. Not simply in prayer and other spiritual disciplines, but in actively seeking his hand in hard times. So, after some soul-searching, I have found contentment in his faithfulness. This is not to say that my pain is gone, or that I can suddenly be instantly happy, but that I have found a peace in my soul knowing that I can trust God, and that he is working through me for my benefit, and ultimately for his glory. My trials teach me to rely more fully on God - Not in the F.R.O.G. sense - you know, those pithy little acronyms, "Fully Rely On God." While there's nothing wrong or unbiblical about this phrase, we must be careful not to reduce our trust in God to short phrases that can often cause us to dismiss rather tha...