I Need No Other Comforter

This is my most recent and favorite poem so far. It is also the first poem I have made an effort to put to music. The video is the accompaniment to the first verse. I wrote the melody, and my piano teacher did all the rest (which was most of it). This is him playing.

I Need No Other Comforter
Charli Mills
Sept. 6 2007

How blessed are we! Our Savior, Lord,
Has mercies overflowing,
That He descends to seek us here,
His blessings us bestowing.

I need no other comforter,
I need no other comfort,
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all,
This peace is not my effort.

This Jesus He, who took on flesh,
And down to earth decendeth,
To pay for sin, each bloody man,
His glory to us accredits.

I need no other comforter,
I need no other Savior,
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all
Who for my burdens labored.

How can I live but live for Him?
My love words can't describe,
He loved me first, that love so pure,
For me He came to die.

I need no other comforter,
His love o'er me enfolds,
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all,
That love thro time withholds.

How can a man say he is strong?
His pride destruction sowing,
When strength so fleeting is soon gone,
We drink God's well o'er flowing.

I need no other comforter,
To Christ I cling each moment,
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all,
His Spirit is my garment.

Lord grant me please, a humble heart,
To see I'm poor in spirit,
Perfect your power in my distress,
Alone I'm far from near it.

I need no other comforter,
My tears for sin can dry,
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all,
Can wipe them from my eyes.

Christ, lift my head and lift my heart,
You are my single glory!
For you have rescued from the dark,
My soul! I need not worry.

I need no other comforter,
He will forsake me never!
'Tis Jesus, Yes! My all in all,
To Him the honor forever!


Laura said…
Oh, I remember you posting this poem on facebook. It's one of my favorites!

I love the music - it's gorgeous! A great piano arrangment. Now all that's needed is your voice singing the words...
Unknown said…
agreed! I would love to hear you sing this! You came up with that beautiful melody? Wow. :D

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