I Roamed Away

I roamed away down to the sea,
Where the dolphins live and the mermaids be,
Twas light and airy, twas airy and free,
But I'll ne'er go wandering again, again,
I'll ne'er go wandering again.

The waves – they beckoned, the wind – it called,
So pleaded me to join them all,
And in their midst was I enthralled,
But I'll ne'er go wandering again, again,
I'll ne'er go wandering again.

The voices carried on the gust,
“Come out, come out, and follow us!”
Felt I compelled that dare I must,
But I'll ne'er go wandering again, again,
I'll ne'er go wandering again.

Deep blue – the sea, fair blue – the sky,
Jewels and shells which feed the eye,
More precious than the love that's thine?
But I'll ne'er go wandering again, again, again,
I'll ne'er go wandering again.

I roamed away down to the sea,
But traversed I back, to come to thee,
For thou, my love, holds all of me,
And I'll ne'er go wandering again, again,
No, I'll ne'er go wandering again.


Taylor said…
wow. love it!!!!!!!!!!! ur awesome :) hope you can come to this next girls club :) <3
Sarah Beth said…
Aw that's so cool!! I loved that, Charli. You're a good poet!
Soren Stevens said…
like I said, very Samuel Taylor Coleridge-ish! your style is getting more refined, i see.

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